Corona Chronicles (Blog 9) :-

Only one option

Yesterday night was supposed to be a grand celebration with 200 guests it was to celebrate my mother in law turning 60 we had been planning for months now.
It was celebrated just with our family and not one extra person obviously considering the circumstances.
Yet it turned out to be one of the greatest and most enjoyable celebrations ever .
What’s the reason?
The day you declare that your Happiness is unconditional you will never be sad again.
The human mind gets confused the moment it has to make a choice between many options. It doesn’t know what side to choose and more than often end up choosing wrong. Especially when times get tough and depressing we often tend to fall in the trap of negativity and choose the wrong side.
Tell yourself you don’t have multiple options any more. There’s only one option and by default that’s the only option
I tell you all. Choose to be happy unconditionally and see magic happen

The option we choose is to hang in with all the hope we can generate in our bodies. To strengthen our mind so much that not one day do we feel bogged down in spirit. The option to be happy and positive under the current scenario at all costs. However much it seem to be a times of distress we choose calm. We choose to have faith. We choose to have hope for the good. We choose to pray for the safety of all mankind. We choose to stay home stay safe. We choose to fight this virus and Win. We choose to keep our morales high.

Not once will we let our choices be directed towards negativity, sadness or hopelessness. Not once will we let our minds sway away form hope that all this is just a passing phase and will end soon. Not once will we allow this virus to take away from us our mental peace
This too shall pass
Just hang in
Stay home stay safe stay put
# don’t be a dumb pigeon
Dr Riccha Sarin

About author of the blog – Dr Riccha Sarin is a doctor working in the government sector. She writes on motivational blog and stories revolving around her every day interactions, patients and experiences, connecting their implications on life.

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