Corona Chronicles (Blog 12) :-

Choose when to open the window

In the times of corona I have heard so many people complain that they are mentally very troubled because of everything being shown on social media. All the scary content regarding The virus is playing with their heads. They can’t get proper sleep. They worry at nights. They feel depressed, nothing seems to make them happy. Not a single positive thought enters their head. All day long they continue to have negative and a sad mood. A patient came to me with a anxiety attacks since lockdown has begun He asked me is this Normal?
Obviously it’s normal to feel a little low and sad. We are in the midst of a harrowing time. But I told him.
It’s upto you. You are opening the window of your brain at the wrong time. When a dust storm is brewing outside don’t you always keep your house windows closed??It prevents the dust from getting in. The amount of cleaning required later on becomes negligible. If you keep the windows open your house will end up in a mess.
Same is the story here. If you feel there’s turbulence outside why not keep your mind free from indulging in negativity. Stop watching all WhatsApp forwards, stop watching all negative videos showing death and destruction, stop reading conspiracy theories if they lower your morale. Stop discussing death rates etc amongst your circles.
Also please do not discuss things like doomsday, apocalypse, end of the world etc with little children or in their presence. You need to keep them motivated and their morales high. Keep them informed and well communicated but do not Instill in them unnecessary fear or panic . They are tender minds who need to be tackled with care.
Open your windows to allow sunlight to come into your house, to allow a gentle beeeze to come in. Open your windows only for the good things
Be aware. Read and watch But do not be misled by false circulations. Be aware but do not be paranoid. Be aware but do not panic. Be aware but not spread fear.
Stay positive ,stay away from rumours and negative media . Do not fall trap to hate messages or fanatic videos. Do not believe everything you see on WhatsApp or other social media sites

Finding peace at such times is entirely upto you. No one can make you feel comfortable or normal. No one can make your mind feel less anxious. It’s upto you you should know when to close or open your window

Stay safe stay home stay put
This too shall pass
# don’t be a dumb pigeon
Dr Riccha Sarin

About author of the blog – Dr Riccha Sarin is a doctor working in the government sector. She writes on motivational blog and stories revolving around her every day interactions, patients and experiences, connecting their implications on life.

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