Corona Chronicles (Blog 14) :-

What plant are you?

Have you ever seen a mango or apple tree laden with fruits Or a Gulmohar tree full of flowers .The tree’s branches are drooping almost touching the ground when it’s full of fruit on every branch yet it looks so humble and grounded .
It’s so full himself yet never full of himself . Despite the fact that it bears abundance , This tree provides fruit, it provides flowers, it is home to Several birds who have their nests in it. It provides shade to many who sit under its dense cap. This tree is a favourite of many and is so likeable. Whoever comes in contact with it is positively benefited or enriched. Everyone is attracted to such a tree.

Vis a vis a cactus? How dull lifeless, lustreless it seems, shrunken and full of thorns it offers nothing but pain and hurt to whoever touches it. Neither is it a pleasant thing which appeals to the eye nor is it worth coming close to. Everyone is repulsed by it.

Human beings are no different. We all fall in two categories. One the more popular ones and the other the more revered ones.

The choice is yours , if you wish to be a fruit laden tree always offering something good to whoever comes in contact with you and yet staying humble and grounded you will always attract everyone But if you want to be a cold ,unkind ,hard hearted , egoistic,cruel person like the cactus bearing thorns then everyone is always going to avoid you and not enjoy your presence or company.
A cactus unfortunately may not get a chance to change during his lifetime . That’s it’s destiny. But us humans have an opportunity to change. We can convert from cacti to blooming bushes. We can transform from hard core hard hearted creatures into soft gentle loving individuals.
Now with time at hand to think , just introspect and choose what kind of a plant would you be.
You can always change. It’s never ever too late in life. Till you are alive you have scope to change and improve for the better.

Stay home stay safe
# don’t be a dumb pigeon
Dr Riccha Sarin

About author of the blog – Dr Riccha Sarin is a doctor working in the government sector. She writes on motivational blog and stories revolving around her every day interactions, patients and experiences, connecting their implications on life.

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