Corona Chronicles (Post 3)

Corona chronicles (Post 3)

The new normal
No one likes to be caged. Especially human beings who have always roamed the planet freely. Man is a social creature and social distancing is bothersome for most.
We are all itching to get back to our normal lives. We are all busy formulating plans about what all we would like to indulge in once we tide over this crisis and return to our old normal lives.
Everyone planning how they will be back in their offices, how they will expand their work , how business will start booming again, how the stock market will rise, people dreaming of vacations they would like to take, Mommies and kids planning play dates and birthday parties, we all planning Visits to our favourite restaurants and pubs, mall visits, movies at the theatres, ladies planning kitty parties. There’s so much to go back to and so much to look forward to. That’s the beauty of human nature. In most times of calamity it somehow still hangs on to hope and makes new plans.
Amidst all this planning
Just stop and think for a second.
We can’t and shouldn’t go back to the old normal. Where we were constantly being brash in our behaviour towards the planet and each other.We have to start creating a new normal
What should the new normal look like? What parts of the old one are worth continuing? Why a new normal should be very different from the lives we have lived forever.
Mother Nature may never give us a second chance. So We must learn our lessons well and try to create a new world going forward.
Let the new normal not reflect man’s callous attitudes
Let the new normal be a much peaceful earth
Let the new normal be a place where we intentionally consciously work on saving this planet
Let the new normal be a little less greed driven.
Let the new normal be a safer place for all our kids
Let the new normal be one where we learn to co exist with nature rather than exploiting it.
Where the human minds and hearts are less toxic, less filled with hatred.
Let the new normal be a mirror image of a less egoistic race
Let the new normal be a world full of love
Where we all try sincerely each one of us to be better and make this world a better place not just for our own sake and that of our children but everyone else as well
Let this whole lesson be etched in our memories and our future endeavours be guided by the past.let the new normal be a reflection of a race which wants to change for the better

This too shall pass
But let it not pass as being
unnoticed and a wasteful experience
Let not all the efforts we have made , all the loss of lives society has faced go waste
Let us emerge collectively stronger wiser and a better race
Learn your lessons
Stay safe stay home
# don’t be a dumb pigeon
Dr Riccha Sarin

About author of the blog – Dr Riccha Sarin is a doctor working in the government sector. She writes on motivational blog and stories revolving around her every day interactions, patients and experiences, connecting their implications on life.

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