Corona Chronicles (Post 7) :-

The enemies within

We all know there exists a deadly enemy outside. We are working to find a solution to destroy it.
There exists another enemy within us. A beast we all need to tame. A beast hiding deep in the abyss of the human heart mind and soul.

A policeman whose my patient told me There has been an increase rise in domestic violence and child abuse during this time.
I always think about which human emotion is the worst of all? Is it ego? Is it hatred?
It is anger. Its the enemy within
Its a two edged sword. It’s a weapon which is not only so self destructive but also causes irreparable damage to anyone or anything it touches. The actions and reactions we do during anger outbursts are only to be regretted later

We are in an unfavourable situation. Because our mind keeps on rejecting this thought that human beings the most invincible creatures who can create anything and everything, who can go to space to moon, who can conquest highest peaks, go to the bottom of the sea. So advanced a species is being forced to be locked in their homes by an invisible tiny creature whose cure our most advanced medical teams working all over the world are yet to fathom.
This lockdown makes us frustrated. Makes us agitated.
Makes us refuse it in disbelief. Because we feel powerful enough to be able to restore order to chaos. And when we are unable to achieve that order it angers us.
That’s how the human Brains operate.
We don’t know where to vent this anger and frustration. We can’t see a near future of the problem getting resolved, we don’t know how long the lockdown may continue. normalcy being curtailed is bothering us.

Let the enemy outside not trigger this enemy within.
This is the time to Work most on anger management . Save yourself.
Meditate, relax , read and watch pleasant content. Pray. Recall happier times and make plans of better things to come ahead. Divert your mind when anger is erupting inside you. And Repeat to yourself each day that come what may I will not let this demon within me control my fate. I will defeat it with every ounce of power I hold. I will not go down without a fight.
Let the anger demon be slayed by all of us. Let our prayers help us find peace
This too shall pass
Stay home stay safe
# don’t be a dumb pigeon
Dr Riccha Sarin

About author of the blog – Dr Riccha Sarin is a doctor working in the government sector. She writes on motivational blog and stories revolving around her every day interactions, patients and experiences, connecting their implications on life.

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