Corona Chronicles (Post 6) :-


We are watching world war 2 in colour on Netflix. Any history enthusiasts will find it an interesting watch. A good time pass during quarantine days.
I am thinking how this is nothing less than war times. However unfortunately the enemy here is invisible. Yet not invincible. It’s only a matter of time before we can completely understand it’s game and defeat it. Till then it may be wrongly believing it is winning.
Our attitude will make all the difference. You have two choices . Either you are victim or you are a warrior.
Option one -You may choose to think we are prisoners of war. Trapped in our homes. Unable to move out , all normal activities curtailed, life has come to a standstill. We are under lockdowns. The entire human race is a prisoner of this war. The virus seems to be enjoying and winning.
I tell you all let’s change the thought perception.
Option 2 – We declare ourselves all soldiers of this war No longer are we prisoners . We are fighters . This army comprises of frontline soldiers who directly deal with this monstrous enemy like the medical fraternity, the police etc and remaining all are the cavalry who will make the most difference. The ones who will stop the spread of the virus. The soldiers who all are determined to stay home, stay safe , wear masks, follow precautions, wash hands with soap. Who are following all advisory to stop the spread.
Feel ,experience and believe in this contribution all of you and the entire society is making collectively. It requires great strength and determination . You all are brave soldiers and no less. The bravest are The little children who sit huddled up in homes under so much restrictions and pressure and yet smile laugh ,try to play and stay happy.

People send me messages of appreciation for being a brave doctor and soldier and I tell them all ,This battle cannot be won without all of your support. You all are equally important in this army. The generals may lead a war but without the soldiers there exists no victory.

May god bless us all
May we emerge more victorious
May the enemy face defeat soon
Stay home stay safe
# don’t be a dumb pigeon
Dr Riccha Sarin

About author of the blog – Dr Riccha Sarin is a doctor working in the government sector. She writes on motivational blog and stories revolving around her every day interactions, patients and experiences, connecting their implications on life.

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