#CoronaChronicles:- Animals

A lion, a goat, a tiger, a leopard, a bear, a panda, an elephant, a shark, a whale, a snake, a rabbit, a cock ,a mouse, a hen, a duck, a peacock, a panther, a cow, a dog, a cat were all put in one big cage and locked up. They had no access to the exterior world. They were unable to get out. What do you think would have happened. Just try to imagine the scenario in your head. The predators initially ate the weaker animals and then fought amongst each other and killed each other.

This is the condition of most houses in COVID times. Men and women are behaving like animals. They are turning savage. They are growling, roaring, and ready to chop off each other’s head. As men and women are locked up with no respite or option to exit the tempers are rising, tensions are mounting, people are becoming frustrated. Anger and irritability Are at a peak. Even the most trivial issues get escalated. People bad-mouth each other, feel depressed infuriated and fights happen at the drop of a hat. The weaker ones suffer while the stronger exert more power.

This is one of the worst consequences of COVID I have observed. Women and children are suffering from physical and mental abuse. A lot of cases are being reported to the police from homes of mental and physical torture. Suicides are rising. In the remaining houses wars of words wage. We are at a loss of peace, our patience is fast dwindling. We are so irritable right now that every nonissue becomes a big issue. The smallest and most harmless conversations end up becoming huge arguments. Everyone is boiling inside like water in kettles which explode at the slightest provocation and let off steam at every instance.

The best approach if you feel unsettled or at a loss of peace or are feeling irritable and aggressive is to avoid any sort of conversation with anybody. It’s better to stay quiet and divert yourself elsewhere rather than unnecessarily start fires which destroy your own mental peace most of all and also then engulf everyone else around. Avoidance would be a very very good approach right now.
Dear COVID look what you have done to man. Dear human beings look at what you are doing to yourself. how powerless you are proving to be against an invisible creature. Just reflect on your behavior. I don’t know what’s the real long-lasting damage the virus is really doing to a man. But I urge mankind to not let this virus ruin you.

Stay home. Stay Safe. Stay Put.
Dr. Riccha Sarin

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