#CoronaChronicles:- Push

Kaizen Training Solutions

In times of corona, each one of us has been pushed to our maximum capacity. Never have we been more challenged physically mentally or emotionally. Yet we are doing just fine. I salute this human endurance and strength.

In life you will always be surrounded by two kinds of pushers. One who will push you to go forward, push you to do well, motivate you, inspire you, whose words will be a source of encouragement to you, be a source of strength for you, those who will always be happy for you when you excel, who support you and want you to keep going ahead in the path of life. They will be the ones who push you to bring out the best in you. They are the ones who will lift you up when you are down and out. The ones who will boost your morale and brighten your spirit. The ones whose words brighten even the darkest days you may be facing. Then there is the second type of pushers. They push you so hard that you fall. They mock you, ridicule you, discourage you. They do not push in good ways but in fact, do quite the contrary. They push you to bring out the worst in you.

Stay away from People who push you in the wrong direction towards bad habits like alcohol drugs etc Such people are the ones to stay vary of. Stay clear of such individuals at all levels in life whether personal or professional. Do not fall trap to their words. Do not allow them to push you for the worse. Let them not allow to bring out the bad in you.

Especially when dealing with children always remember how your choice of words and behavior may either push them to strive to do more and encourage them and become better or may end up lowering their morale completely. Do not use harsh, Sarcastic or demeaning language with them. Even if you find them not doing well treat them gently yet firmly but with affection trying to keep patience. A lot of parents have a habit of comparing their children to those of others and telling stories of other people’s child’s achievements to their own child and never praising what your own ward does. This often lowers the child’s morale completely and does much more damage than benefit. Push your own kids to do well. Do not unnecessarily instill in them feelings of being inferior or lesser than their peers. This unappreciative attitude of yours towards them really breaks a child completely.

Always chose to be the good pushers for everyone you meet in your life and those around you. Always encourage motivate inspire and try to bring out the best in people whose lives you touch. Never be bad pushers. Never be responsible for the fall of someone you associate with.
Human beings have capacities beyond their wildest imaginations and the right push can help them in ways beyond explanations and words. May we forever push and be pushed in good ways

Stay Home. Stay Safe. Stay Put.
Dr. Riccha Sarin


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