Deaf and dumb

Deaf and dumb

The virus is deaf to our pleas of asking it to stop. It leaves man dumbfounded.
I have observed how people lose their peace of mind or sanity. How small talks end up becoming fights. How often a simple discussion slowly turns into a heated argument or altercation. In any sort of mutual discord and verbal argument or heated debate we often have a tendency to blame the other person or persons for provoking us. We find our actions as a reaction to their provocative speech or action. We don’t realize it’s our fragile ego which gets easily offended and we feel Provoked. This action-reaction cycle is a vicious cycle that keeps building and the end results are never fruitful. Neither just do they cause you anger anxiety and irritation combined with rage at that particular moment but also leave in your minds and hearts bitter unpleasant memories forever. It unnecessarily takes away your peace of mind. Something which is absolutely priceless. I think of how to avoid all of this. How we can break this vicious cycle.

Being deaf is a unique kind of a blessing in itself. It safeguards you and your sanity from a lot of things. Be deaf to provocative talks of deaf to the negative people speak. Be deaf towards lies and fake news. , become deaf to the nonessential nonsense spoken by others. Do not lose your own sanity for futile things. It’s not always the smartest thing to hear each and everything and react to it. It’s smarter to let Somethings be unheard of your own life’ s happiness and peace. So how does being dumb prove a blessing? This is even a bigger one. The problem with being provoked is that it instills in one anger and aggression. It instills in one the need to prove their own point and be strongly opinionated. Each person feels their views are the most righteous and so we wish to fight tooth and nail to prove that. Egos get hurt and one can’t let go without a fight. Often the words spoken in the heat of the moment not just cause instantaneous damage but become a thorn forever in our lives and cause long-lasting damage. Very often later on we regret what inappropriate stuff we spoke.

Had we chosen to stay mute or dumb it could have been totally prevented. Later we recall all of it as unnecessary. Something which should have not happened. save yourself from any such regrets. Do realize that at times mute can be your parachute which will save you.
I don’t say be deaf and dumb towards everything in life. But I do definitely say always hear carefully and respond even more cautiously. Definitely chose your battles wisely.
Being deaf and dumb at the right moments in life is the biggest gift to possess. We may not understand it’s true value until a very long time in life but whoever masters this art is one of the happiest persons in this world.

Stay Home. Stay Safe. Stay Put.
Dr. Riccha Sarin

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