Habit Of Achievement


Old, destructive habits can feel very comfortable, at least for the moment. Over time, however, those negative habits can waste an enormous part of your life, or worse.

The good news is that you can build positive, empowering habits that will soon feel just as comfortable and familiar as the old negative ones. It takes effort and commitment, and a little discomfort, yet it is well worth all that.

Instead of habits that waste your time and burden your life, you can choose habits that push you steadily forward. Instead of slowly creating heartache and disappointment, you can be steadfastly creating success and achievement.

Time can be your enemy or your friend, depending on what you do with each little moment. Make the choice, and put forth the effort, to make each moment count for something positive and meaningful.

Choose a habit that brings you down and replace it with one that lifts you up. Make it your goal to make achievement your default mode.

Some of the most powerful things you do are the things you do by habit. So choose to direct all that power in a positive, life-enriching direction.


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