Question 4. How can you introduce yourself in 30 seconds?

Question 4. How can you introduce yourself in 30 seconds?

Answer. A 30-second introduction shares highlights about your interests, experience, strengths, accomplishments, and/or goals – all in 30 seconds! It captures the interest of the person you are attempting to engage and makes a strong first impression.  Use your 30-second introduction at networking events and career fairs; in interviews in response to the “tell me about yourself” question; and anywhere you get an opportunity to speak with someone in a field you’d like to explore – even on an elevator!

The structure of a 30-second introduction can include:

HELLO: My name is…

CURRENT ROLE: For students, this could be degree, major and expected graduation.

WHAT I BRING: highlights from experience in terms of relevant knowledge or skills developed, accomplishments from school, internships, work, volunteering, research, or activities like clubs, sports, etc.  In some cases, you can be explicit about how you would immediately benefit the company.

Hope, this helps..!!


Aditya Sisodia                                                                                                             

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