Intelligent OR Dumb

A 25 year old girl visited me. She clearly seemed to be very agitated. She started rattling innumerable complaints about a co worker doctor of mine. I tried to calm her and asked her to tell me what’s the matter. She insisted that she is not an uneducated person.”The doctors should listen to what I am saying and not ignore my own diagnosis of my disease. I have done enough research on Google”, she said. “I just think I have Vitamin D deficiency and that’s why there is so much joint and body pains”.I listened to her patiently, asked her complains and then prescribed her a battery of tests based on her symptoms. She asked me what I was investigating her for. I told her that I suspect Rheumatoid arthritis. She told me the test seemed very unnecessary and I was wrong. I told her to trust my judgement and not jump to a self diagnosis.

She came back testing positive for rheumatoid arthritis and was shocked beyond words. She did not have anything left to speak. She thought she was intelligent.

Who is an intelligent person? A person with the highest IQ? A person with the highest brain content? One who scores high marks in education? One who is a top student? One who gets the best job? A person who knows it all?

As I look around these days, I realize that intelligent people or atleast those who presume to be the most intelligent ones have become one of the most unhappiest and restless people I know. Shouldn’t it actually be the reverse? Shouldn’t they be the happiest as they pretty much have what many desire and yet their mental peace is lost. They are constantly at unrest not knowing how to calm their wild and restless minds. How to curb their wild souls? How to find calm in the Chaos? How to be happy with life? They are not happy. The dumbest people seems to be the happiest. The dumb who have low IQ, low intelligence and who used to be bad at school may not be in the best of jobs yet seem to be happy and content. They seem to be at peace. They seem to find calm in the chaos. How can it be so?, I often wonder.

If all your IQ and intelligence and intellect can’t be used to provide basic happiness, then what use is it really of? Why would you want to live in self pride and gloat about your mind when that mind is unable to control itself?  When it is unable to provide you peace and keep you happy. What good is such a genius mind? Aren’t you better off being a dumb person? Or on the contrary, shouldn’t you be intelligent enough to realize that happiness and peace is what you desire the most?  Finding the calm in stormy seas is what you want to achieve. An intelligent mind creates a big ego.

Don’t let your brain think you know it all. Learn to adapt, adjust and cut down your pride. Happiness will automatically fall in place. Every day in life is a day of constant growth. Be thankful if you are able to achieve a new learning every day. Be thankful to the God for the wonderful mind he has gifted you with and steer your brain in a direction where you can use it to bring  peace and you can live happily. That’s truly what an intelligent person is.


About author of the blog – Dr Riccha Sarin is a doctor working in the government sector. She writes on motivational blog and stories revolving around her every day interactions, patients and experiences, connecting their implications on life.




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