
So often we have presented opportunities in our lives that seem like impossibilities. I say look for the possibilities in each situation. How much further could we go if we looked for positive outcomes, rather than looking for all the reasons why something won’t work?

Once you are in a negative frame of mind, the first thing to do is notice where your thoughts are taking you and why. Remember we are all responsible for our own feelings and thoughts. Just because a negative thought arises, we don’t have to dwell on it or take action to make it come true.

While I am driving to the office, I play a little mind game with myself to ensure a wonderful day, regardless. I have a little saying I repeat over and over again until my car is parked in the lot. Some people call these affirmations, I call them mindtweakers. My saying is this -“I’m a good and worthy person and wonderful opportunities will present themselves to me. I like people and people like me. I’m good with people and people like working with me. I communicate clearly and listen effectively because I like people.”

What I am doing is confirming in myself every day what my mission in life is – to help people. One day I will tell you about my other businesses and how I have struggled for years to make some of my other dreams come through. I believe if someone else can do it, then there’s no reason why I can’t too!

Have a great week, the possibilities are unlimited! Thank you all for your support and help. Without you, Motivating Moments would be just another dream instead of a reality!


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