Mediocrity is just a feeling..!!

Mediocrity is just a feeling..!!

How often you question yourself everyday- “Why am I just a mediocre?” and then end up becoming gloomy? I am sure the thought comes back and forth. And honestly, there’s nothing in having these thoughts. Because when you’re having such thought that’s when you realize how much effort you have to put in to achieve excellence. I have grown up surrounded by mediocre thoughts that I was just a mediocre. Mostly, it would turn me maniacal and I would end up becoming hopeless. But I didn’t want my life filled with darkness. So I opted for a different perspective. I understood that I am just feeling it in me that I am someone who’s only ordinary. It is not permanent. It is a dependent variable which depends upon “your everyday efforts.”

I love watching movies. But more than that I love coming across beautiful lines. There was once a beautiful line that I loved so much in a movie that I can’t resist myself putting here. It stated- “Hope is one thing that is more powerful than fear.” You lose hope when you challenge yourself to become what you’re not. But believing in the things you can do better than others, arouses a sense of hope in you. Calling yourself “just a mediocre” is nothing but an insult to you. “Mediocrity” is very much subjective. It varies from people to people. Some people get admissions in Ivy League colleges still they are not contended and call themselves mediocre because they haven’t yet become Nobel Laureates. While for others, getting a scholarship in a decent college gives a feeling of excellence.

Mediocrity is just a feeling we inculcate in ourselves and a label we give to ourselves. It’s completely endogenous- from within. There’s no role of externalities. We label ourselves such is only based on the number of achievements. Some achieve more and become “notable personalities” while others start labeling themselves as “ordinary”. When we start feeling deep down that this time we have done and hence achieved something differently the illusion we had earlier starts fading away. Then we start putting ourselves a step above. After coming to this category we understand that nothing remains ordinary anymore. So, no one is ever born a mediocre. It’s only an inner feeling that controls our minds. And the very same feeling comes back and forth based on our results (which we get with our daily life efforts). The phenomenon is very common among youngsters. They face it in their everyday life- be it at schools or colleges or even workplace. The feeling is natural among them which can either go up or go down.

Just like it’s said- “Prevention is better than cure”. I would also suggest that before this feeling of “mediocrity” takes over, it’s better to kill it with your determination and hard work. These are only two antidotes that can overcome its effects. Do not worry yourself how many achievements someone has just put in their resumes rather worry yourself to introspect what you’re good at and nail it with your talent. Going for something that is out of your league is nothing but a suicide mission. I am not asking you to stop learning about everything. What I am asking is to be logical enough to understand the difference between your “strengths” and your “weaknesses”. Because that’s when you’ll understand your priority; that’s when you will discover that you’re not just a mediocre.

I have studied about many renowned and notable personalities. And there was one common thing among them all- they were all very good at sacrificing the things that matters the most i.e. friends and families. They were all so much into their work that everything else was just secondary except their work. Obviously, we should always be.



Sumbul Syed

Writer and Blogger

Career Hacks (Division of Kaizen Training Solutions Pvt Ltd.)