Mirror Image !

There is a mirror in my room. Everyone who enters looks at themselves in it ,Some cast a quick glance and some stare for long. What each person sees in their self image only they know in their own hearts. its how they wish to see themselves, What an external person sees will be a totally different interpretation based on their own brains.

A patient came with her husband. She kept on looking at the mirror, secretly she seemed to smile. I was watching her fascinated. She was very average looking And had a huge scar on her left cheek, she didn’t really paint a pretty picture yet the glint in her eyes made me amazed, her husband spoke after she left the room as he saw the surprised look I had on my face he said she was very under confident when they got married. He was a class one officer and very good to look at, his parents had found this match in their ancestral village. She was neither educated much nor pretty to look at. He told me how she would always shy away from a mirror because she felt low about herself in comparison to her spouse. Most people around would comment on the mismatch wedding. She’s a very very talented cook and a great home maker he said proudly, she has raised my kids so well that they both today secure top jobs . Our home is heaven because of her he beemed.

I could see the genuine affection he held for her in her heart. I could have found a more educated or prettier wife but would I have found such a loving and good wife and mother to my children I doubt that. I decided I will support her always. Build her confidence. I forced her to see the mirror each day. And praised her, I showed her true beauty which resided within her. What good is my whole education and power if I can’t empower even my own spouse he said. I was in awe of this couple that day.

We often want to show people the mirror, whatever we feel is negative in them we want to reveal it to them, we think we know best, We think we are doing it to bring about improvements in the other persons life, we want to show them the realities as we feel , our eyes see reality much clearer, we often want to criticise, showing the mirror to someone is not a difficult task but what image of theirs you create in their eyes will make all the difference. Do not show someone the mirror to reflect on their weaknesses. Do not show them the mirror to highlight their negative points or their flaws. Do not show people the more because you feel you are entitled to correct everyone as per how you wish so. Show them the mirror to make them see their beauty, to motivate them, to highlight their inner good qualities, to make them confident and hold the ability to walk with their head held upright, do not force your own opinions and judgements on the life of others because you feel you hold the power of governance over all wrong and every person.

What your eyes see reflects clearly your own opinion of someone else. It does not reflect in anyway the opinions. Or the wishes of that given individual. It’s their life and each individual has the right to live it happily as per his or her own wishes. If you can’t add any positive value in someone’s Life do not try to show them the mirror.and always sit and ponder what if others show you a self image of you in how they intercept or or perceive it , would you ever like to look at yourself as how others imagine it or how you wish to look at yourself. From today onwards take a pledge each time you pass a mirror anytime anywhere reflect good in it for yourself and all around you and see how your life becomes more and more happier and peaceful.

Author: Doctor Riccha Sarin

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