Think of all the things you’ve learned in your life. And just imagine how very much more there is that you can now learn based upon what you already know.

Consider how your own unique perspective has grown, matured and become more valuable over the years. Imagine all the possibilities that are even now opening up to you because of how far you’ve already come.

It’s impossible to know exactly what will happen tomorrow, or next month, or five years from now. Yet you most certainly are better prepared than ever to successfully handle whatever surprises life sends your way.

Now, more effectively than ever before, you can transform problems into opportunities. Now, with more purpose and more experience than ever before, you can work to bring richness and value to life.

When you face a challenge that seems impossible to overcome, remember this. The world is filled with things that once were considered impossible and which are now commonplace.

When you woke up this morning, you broke through to a new level of performance, of knowledge, of effectiveness. Now, more than ever, you have what it takes to move successfully and meaningfully through each moment.


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