Scope of Social Networking for Freshers

Scope of Social Networking for Freshers

I still remember how my parents would tell me (who’s an introvert) to socialise more and do not always stay home. They would tell me to go out more and get to know the wold. Well, the kind of networking they were talking about was more of real one which is build talking face to face and not the virtual one which we do on social networking sites. “I still am confused about both because I don’t like interacting much with people in the first place.” Those were my words whenever discussions took place. Now after certain years I have realized I had been wrong about my idea of not interacting much with people. I am of view that social or professional networking is highly significant these days especially fresher’s.

The world is getting advanced day by day. The things we see today were never in our wildest dreams. We have come so far that sometimes even our imagination starts running out to make further innovations. Be it technology or science or social networking, we see innovations taking place in every dimension.We humans are social animals. We cannot isolate ourselves for very long. We need connections to connect with people. Social networking has now become a redundant concept. Though it is an indispensable part of our lives. Only a few decades ago there was only handful number of sites which would allow people to socialise and spend considerable amount of time. But now the whole picture has been changed. People use YouTube for various purposes- from learning to the source of an entertainment. Everything is at ease on YouTube. We see so many young minds presenting their talents on YouTube. Even I uploaded a video in YouTube- a philosophical talk it was. I must say I got a chance to deliver my message in the best possible way.

For social activism many activists are creating online communities and making online petitions related to social, economical, political and environmental issues. It is a great opportunity to make any sort of contribution from our side.  Again, I’d like to mention even I filed for an online petition of UNHCR- the UN Refugee Agency. It was an indescribable feeling as deep down it feels good that you made an effort to make a difference and in the end that’s what matters- isn’t it?

Facebook may seem the best way to waste time to many people but in my opinion nothing is waste of time until that’s what we choose to do. There are plenty of ways to make it a good source of information and getting updates. We can even create our own pages. I even have my page stated “Quotes for life”. That has given me an exquisite opportunity to show my talent.

Now talking about LinkedIn, also considered as “Refined form of Facebook” is another example how and why social networking is significant for freshers. Here, we get connected with people professionally through this platform. There is information regarding job openings and internships which provides opportunity especially to undergraduates and graduates to apply and enter in a professional world.

There is a popular saying- “Every coin has two sides.” So social networking has also some pros and cons. The question is which side we are on….If we are on the right side then there are ample of opportunities to learn and grow. And if we are on the opposite side then there are ample of opportunities to complain like it’s wastage of time. So basically it’s upon us. It’s like meal has been served to us- we want to eat it or leave it .

Sumbul Syed

Writer and Blogger

Career Hacks (Division of Kaizen Training Solution Pvt Ltd.)