The river and the key to Success

River, key to success, journey, perseverance, persistence

An eight year old little girl walks inside my room holding the hand of a middle aged man. Leading the way for him. He is her father. The mother is walking behind holding the father by the shoulder. They are both blind. The daughter leads the way for them. I look at the little girl and see the task at hand for her. The tiny shoulders are carrying a mountain of responsibility and yet the maturity in her tiny glinting eyes is unimaginable. I am in awe of her. She seems so determined to take care of them.

Perseverance as the dictionary describes means persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

It certainly is The most under valued and the most under utilized and most under rated skill by most people today. Why because persistently doing something is far more tedious, patience testing, nerve wrecking and difficult than picking the easy option of simply letting go or giving up, when things do not seem to go our way. If the path in question seems to have several road blocks in sight, we do not trudge along the hard terrain and simply choose to walk a much simpler looking way. The destination in question will definitely be affected by the course followed. But to traverse tedious terrains requires a skill set which is fast depleting in our generation. The easy path lures the travelers into a journey they falsely believe can be the same as the tough one. If it ain’t difficult it ain’t worth it.

With persistence we achieve goals which can’t be ever imagined or perceived in our mind. We can overcome any problem or difficulties in life be it financial emotional inter personal relationships educational career challenge etc etc. All that it takes is the continued will power to not give up. To not let go. To not choose to change the path and get lured into an easy way out. The shortcuts may seem lucrative but in the long run they only take you a shorter distance and help u achieve less. The efforts may seem futile at that instance and the temptation to give up will engulf you but its that instance that you have to tell your self you can do it, you shall do it, you will be able to achieve your goal.

Run till you can run no more. Walk till you can walk no more. Crawl if you have to but don’t stop moving. You are not a mountain which cannot move. You have to be the river which does not stop flowing. You have to follow your course and curve through the rigid terrains; flow through plains meandering your path through plateaus, peaks, troughs while nourishing what falls around you. With perseverance the big boulders also get soften and turn into round shaped pebbles along the course of the river. That’s the power of the river. That’s the power of flowing without giving up. You have to nourish your family and your surroundings. You have to relieve the barren land of its dry dull state and make it green and prosperous. It’s the river which makes countries and places. If only men and women decide to be as rich as the rivers , the world will become a much better place to live in.


About author of the blog – Dr Riccha Sarin is a doctor working in the government sector. She writes on motivational blog and stories revolving around her every day interactions, patients and experiences, connecting their implications on life.