The trap of overconfidence

overconfidence, kaizentrainingsolutions

We often find ourselves preaching our peers and juniors about how confidence can turn around the game in our favor. When we hit a blockade or get stuck in a tough situation, confidence of winning can get us through, dramatically. Many of us regard confidence as an asset that requires a generous amount of investment with courage and self-belief. And, hence majority of people we meet seem unable to handle their success and vulnerable to fall in the trap of over confidence. The main reason for falling in this trap stands as we get carried away by our own self existence. While practicing confidence, we do cross the line and develop over confidence out of temporary success or achievements. The crooked lane of over confidence takes us towards the actual cobweb where we over estimate the capabilities and spend time in comparing ourselves with others. In reality, over confidence builds an innate urge of presenting ourselves as superiors among equals.

All of us enjoy appreciation and praise. Both are evident in boosting the morale and self-esteem of an individual. Appreciations lift our spirits instantly and encourage us to perform better than before. Getting appreciated is an amazing feeling but to accept the praise with dignity and humility is the tricky part!

For some a praise can become overbearing to an extent, that it sows the seeds of overconfidence in their mind. Without having an ability to recognize an appreciation as mere a morale booster, individual start overestimating themselves, unaware of the challenge within. We start holding ourselves back while connecting with people and forget the ground reality of an open mind and a grateful heart. Our perceptions changes, and through the lenses of over confidence, we perceive things which do not even exist. Over confidence produces an exaggerated self image that stops us from being who we are.  Though this can be curtailed, if we pledge an honest effort, few simple yet effective principles can help in avoiding this trap.

Practicing humility. Humility is the antonym of overconfidence and our perfect answer to avoid the trap of overconfidence. It is one of those human virtues which are also considered a critical element in leadership development. Humility can be developed by fully accepting our social, physical and economical identities and being comfortable with them.

Cultivate a sense of gratitude. For every smallest blessing in your life. Being thankful won’t hurt, but, will make us more a grounded human being. As much we feel the need to be appreciated, we also must show gratitude to the people around us. This works on a simple principle of “give and take”. Expression of gratitude is the beginning of modesty in character.

Avoid that urge to be perfect. We may put our valuable energy in projecting ourselves as the flawless one but the ground reality is – nature has not manufactured homo-sapiens as immaculate. Acceptance of personal flaws is a strength of one’s character and not something to be embarrassed off. Accept yourself whole wholeheartedly, life will become much easier.

Refrain from comparing yourself with others, every day. Comparisons are illogical, as human beings are born equal and social images don’t define intellect. Being realistic about our identity and not attaching it to our self image can significantly mend our habit of practicing comparisons.

End note: What overconfidence subtracts, humility adds up in life. Humility comes from within and should be the basis on which our identity as an individual rests upon. We might aim to become a rock star or a super model aspiring to have millions of fan-following but at the end, we are human beings with a biologically defined/delimited outer shell, and an overly under-estimated inside (which requires continuous work).

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