The Way to Well-Being at Work

How Stress Impacts the Workforce

The Way to
Well-Being at Work

The Rise of Wellness at Work

The focus on wellness at work is increasing over the years. And for good reason too—employers are realizing that if you take care of your employees, they will take care of you. Investing in your employees’ well-being leads to increased productivity and motivation as well as a healthier and happier workforce overall. So why wouldn’t you promote health and well-being at work?

Two major factors that impact a person’s well-being is their environment and finances. But there’s more to it than that. So, what exactly makes up a person’s well-being? Well-being is a combination of state of mind:

and social;
and state of body:

and how frequently they rest.

Read on to see why you should care about your employees’ well-being and what your organization can do to help.

How Stress Impacts the Workforce
While a little stress here and there can be a good thing, constant stress on the job is not a sustainable lifestyle. Unfortunately, stress, anxiety, and depression are continuing to rise in the workplace. And yes, the impact is noticeable.

Employees who constantly face stress, anxiety, and depression are often overworked and not reaching their full potential. Why is that? In many studies, it’s been proven that people who take more breaks and days off, are actually more productive.

1 The brain, like any other part of the body, needs to be well-rested and needs time to recover to function at maximum capacity. Whether employees have external or internal stressors, they need time off and breaks throughout the day to work better.
Many employers think having an employee in the office, sitting at a desk is a sign of them working effectively, and that if they aren’t completing tasks at all times, then they are inefficient or incompetent. But this attitude is often shortsighted. Fatigued employees tend to create more products with defects and errors, or offer services that are not up to company standards.
Did you know workplace environments are the fifth leading cause of death in the U.S.? And job stress costs USA employers over $300 billion per year!

2 Depriving your people of the time off they need can actually hurt your bottom line. But mental health isn’t the only thing that can impact an employee’s productivity. Their physical health is just as important. However, more than 50% of adults don’t meet the minimum daily recommendations for aerobic exercise or physical activity.

3 It’s not healthy for anyone to be sedentary all day long, and employers who encourage minimal breaks are actually hurting their employees and their performance. Having inactive employees can lead to health complications down the road impacting their performance and productivity, as well as increase their risk of heart disease, diabetes, and more. Encouraging your employees to take walking meetings and to live a healthy lifestyle can be extremely beneficial to your employee’s overall health, happiness, and efficiency.

By : Stacy Cutrono Internal Wellness Coach, Ultimate Software

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