What Steps To Take


When you see someone who is enormously successful, you naturally want to know how he or she did it. Although it can certainly be helpful to understand how others achieve, that’s not really the most crucial factor.

For your own success, it is even more important to clearly know what you wish to achieve, and to clearly understand why you wish to achieve it. Once you’re absolutely certain about what and why, you are absolutely able to figure out how.

Even before you could talk, you were able to figure out how to get what you wanted. As your knowledge and experience have increased, so have your skills for reaching your goals.

If you’re having trouble attaining any of those goals, it’s not because you don’t know how, or because you can’t figure it out. The problem is you’re not completely clear about exactly what you wish, or not completely sure about why.

It could be that the goal itself is not really yours. If it’s just something you assumed would be nice, that’s not going to give you a strong enough sense of purpose.

Dig deep into your purpose and make sure that what you’re working toward is truly what you desire. Once you’re clear about what and why, you’ll know what steps to take.


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