

A Boomerang. … A boomerang is designed to return to the thrower. It is well known as a weapon used by some Aboriginal Australian peoples for hunting. Boomerangs have been historically used for hunting, as well as sport and entertainment.

I think about how in life what you give is actually what you eventually get back. It’s a simple trade-off. But the dynamics of it we never understand. We keep on thinking why we deserved what we got. ? We label the other persons as vamps and villains and keep on blaming them for the troubles of our life. Their attitudes towards us haunt us and torture us. We keep on being on a quest to decipher why we got what we did.

In life, there are no free lunches. We often want a lot of love respect and loyalty from others. We expect them to always be caring, loving, and nice to us. We expect people to be kind towards us. We expect them to treat us with dignity and respect and also value us. We expect a lot from others forgetting that everything is a two-way process. Life is a boomerang What we give is often what we get back.

Start today and understand that most and almost all relationships are reciprocal. Learn to Offer respect love and kindness, learn to speak kindly with others. Learn to give them things without meanness or any selfish motives in your heart. The universe reciprocates in ways you cannot imagine. The key to any successful relationships whether with a family member, spouse, children, in-laws, colleagues, friends, etc is to behave in ways you would want them to behave with you back in. Your behavior and nature get you what you truly deserve.

No one likes to see the mirror themselves. No one really likes to introspect on their own attitude in life. In your own self-image, you are perfect. It’s easy to blame the opposite person or label him or her badly. But for once peek inside yourself and see why you are being treated in a certain way and what you are getting and in the barter of life what is it that you have provided to the other people in the first place.

Love gets love, respect generates respect, hatred and sarcasm will get you the same in huge quantities. The ego will be answered by the ego. Arrogance will be fought by arrogance. Misbehavior will boomerang right back at you. Bitterness and resentment in tone and attitude will get you the same back. It’s simple logic and maths but the deeper meaning of this equation is life-changing only if you wish to see it. You can become happy, respected, loved, well cared when you are able to do the same for those in your life.

Stay Home Stay Safe
Dr. Riccha Sarin


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