Choose Your Priorities


Your priorities are not determined by what you say they are. Your most genuine priorities are expressed by what you actually do with your life and your time.

Look around you, and you’ll see very clearly what your priorities have been up to this point. Those priorities have brought you to where you are right now.

If something is truly a priority for you, you absolutely are able to find a way to reach it. If it’s not a priority, it’s probably not going to happen for you.

You can set your priorities and you can change them at any time to be whatever you choose. But merely wishing for something does not make it a priority.

The priorities that are really priorities are the ones that dictate where you focus your awareness. The priorities that truly matter are the ones in which you invest your interest, your attention and, most importantly, your action.

You can follow whatever priorities you choose, and in every moment you are constantly choosing. Remember, as you go through each day, to choose those priorities that will bring the special joy and fulfillment that is yours to live.


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