Corona Chronicles (Post 5) :-


Gratitude means the feeling of being grateful or of wanting to give thanks to someone
My 94 year old grandfather taught me a very simple thing. The most important quality one should develop is the ability of Having gratitude in your heart for whatever some one does for you. Even if you feel it’s not something big still be thankful for it.
He Also says always be thankful for whatever you have in your life.
I don’t think In our entire lifetime we will all get a bigger chance to hold gratitude in our hearts.
Gratitude in ways more than one.
Starting with gratitude towards god for keeping us alive and safe in our homes in these scary times
Gratitude to every family member and friend you have ever had for all the love and support they offered to you
Gratitude for your children for all the affection and joy they provide in your lives
Gratitude to nature for always being ever so generous on mankind and sharing its bounty in unlimited ways for us
Gratitude to your helpers at home , your maids servants drivers who are helping you in these tough times
Gratitude to the numerous heroes of this war.
Gratitude to farmers who toil endlessly despite the harshest condition and poverty to provide you food
The grocery shops, the milk man , the essential service workers etc who are working for you despite caring of their own safety
Gratitude to the police force for working 24 *7 right now and taking care of the situation
Gratitude to the various teachers and lecturers who are continuing to provide education through online means
To the government which is making so so many efforts to protect all of us
Gratitude for each other for trying to stay home and helping contain the situation
Most importantly gratitude to the medical fraternity , doctors ,nurses ,lab technicians and all the other staff of all hospitals clinics laboratories. Everyone whose frontline in this war and is fighting without caring about themselves or their families.

There’s no limit to how much thankful we can be and to how many people. In our lifespan this is the most crucial time now to hold the most gratitude you can for anyone you feel has ever contributed in your life in any good way.
May be just drop them a message of thanks today, may be just give them a call today. May be just silently remember and pray for them.
May god bless us all
This too shall pass
Stay home stay safe stay put
Dr Riccha Sarin

About author of the blog – Dr Riccha Sarin is a doctor working in the government sector. She writes on motivational blog and stories revolving around her every day interactions, patients and experiences, connecting their implications on life.

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