#CoronaChronicles:- Freedom

Kaizen Training Solutions

When the British people ruled India they saw a huge population of illiterate, poor, unhygienic people. They taught the Indians many things. They thought they were responsible for uplifting and upgrading the naive and foolish Indian populations. They thought of themselves as a group of very superior, well educated well learned, mannered, cultured, and rich groups of individuals. They thought they were doing a big favor to the poor and horrible people of India by enslaving them and showing them how truly life has to be lived. They mocked our culture and our ways seemed very backward and ridiculous to them. I wonder why would the Indian population still revolt? Why would they not instead be happy towards the supposedly good teachers that ruled over them in an attempt to upgrade them? Why were we fighting the British while they were claiming to do so much good for us? And I can think of only one reason because in this world there exists nothing more valuable and precious than freedom There’s no feeling greater than being independent and choosing your own life and making your own decisions. Each individual wishes to make his or her own choices and be able to live his or her own life how it seems deemed fit.

Many people think money is the most important thing in this world. It gives many the feeling of power and in turn happiness but I say there’s nothing more valuable than freedom. To live your life, to dream, to fulfill those dreams, to be happy how you want, free to chose what you want to do, and to enjoy it. To not be governed, to not be controlled, to not be dictated, to not be forced on paths you do not wish to traverse, to not be forced to do things to your disliking. That’s the most priceless thing in this world and that’s why despite what the British thought they may be providing us our ancestors fought tooth and nail for our independence. And today is the day when each one of us should feel so much gratitude in your hearts for their valor and effort and feel an unlimited amount of patriotism for your nation and pledge to not allow those efforts to go waste.

Pledge to make India great. Pledge to give back truly in all ways you can to your nation and feel proud of the freedom you have. Pledge to hold loyalty in your heart for your country and pledge to be a responsible free citizen. Being free is the greatest power one can hold but always remember with great power comes great responsibility and this Independence Day we all have to work responsibly and collectively. Wear masks, maintain social distancing, do not flout rules, and fight the battle to defeat COVID. The way Britishers were forced to exit India we will collectively force COVID to exit too.

Independence is a privilege. Use it responsibly

Happy Independence Month.
Stay home. Stay safe. Stay put.
Dr. Riccha Sarin


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