#CoronaChronicles:- Save Today for a Secure Tomorrow

Value of saving life

As a generation who had got almost everything served on a silver platter, we and our coming generations haven’t seen much of a struggle for the basic necessities in life. Our fathers and forefathers had faced harrowing times just to make essentials meet. They did not have the luxury of being handed over much by their ancestors. Life was difficult for them and almost all of them saved a lot and built up everything from scratch. They would cautiously use each and every item and maximize usage and believe in minimizing wastage. They valued even the tiniest things.

And today we are progressing towards becoming a completely opposite generation.

When I see around, the value for money and material things is very very low in the eyes of almost all youngsters today. They want to live life kingsize and spend exuberantly. They do not believe in the rationing of any item. An excess of everything and extensive wastage is a trend. Credit cards, online shopping,  ordering outside food almost every day however expensive it may seem the latest fad, it’s fun and a very common practice today amongst almost all households. If stopped we feel anger and frustration. What’s the big deal we question? What’s all the money for anyway? We have one life why not live it lavishly? What’s to save for? One day we will all die, where are we going to take this money? What use will this money be then? These are numerous dialogues frequently spoken if the elders ask you to spend conservatively or save money.

Stop and think about times like today. When the world faces so much economic turmoil. If you do not ration in times of abundance you will have zero stocks in times of crisis.

If you do not keep an umbrella safely in your house at all times what will you do on the rainy days? If you do not inculcate the value of saving money how will you be ever comfortable in bad times?

If you feel your life is to be enjoyed shouldn’t you plan wisely so that all days in life are equally enjoyable? That all days you can manage to live well, despite how much economic depression goes on outside, if you have a good amount of saving wouldn’t you feel secure. Do you not wish you have enough surplus to bear the storms?

This is a very important time to Start teaching yourself and your children the importance of savings and valuing money and consumables. Rationing of products is a very wise practice. What our elders tell us is only to keep us protected.

No one likes to see his child getting drenched in rain or storm without an umbrella

Let’s start with our little kids and give them piggy banks. Teach them how precious everything is and how crucial it is to save.

The motto to follow start saving today for a secure tomorrow.

It’s good to enjoy the sunshine but it’s extremely vital to keep the umbrellas ready for the rains.


Stay Safe. Stay Home.


Dr. Riccha Sarin


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