Moving forward with experiences


We go through many circumstances while wading through the ups and downs in life. And in many situations, we have to proactively take steps and sometimes we are required to sit back and watch events happen. What ever we go through becomes an pleasant or an unpleasant experience for us to cherish or take a lesson from. It is optional for us to face a certain situation or choose to slide away quietly and avoid the confrontation. Through avoiding the situation, we might be able to postpone the confrontation and delay the lesson, but there is no guarantee that we will not meet similar conditions at a later stage in life. So, why not learn and move forward by learning the lesson? Once we face a situation over and over again, working out to find a solution should be the best possible way out. Experiences have the capability to shape our personality and perception of this world. Therefore, solving complex situations can literally, improve our abilities to deal with difficult situations at any point of life.

Endorsing an experience

Experiences can be specifically individual or may have similarities. A person can have completely different perception of an event from another person. Also, the result during a certain problem might vary completely. There are chances that the experiences bring learning of similar patterns. Yet, the crux of each experience remains the same, i.e. learning, understanding and stepping up in life. Experiences help in laying foundation of a strong character if one is determined to learn and adopt those lessons for further improvement in life. Not to forget, there is no better teacher than experience, especially the maiden confrontations. The first time attempts hold special importance to most us in creating lasting impressions in our minds. When we pass through different phases in life, we hardly realize the value of an experience until we an event is over. We also have the liberty, whether to endorse an experience or shake it off and move on.

For an instance, at the workplace, we might be required to understand advanced level of management skills to help us handle tasks with higher efficacy. For which, company might provide resources or support to learn and apply the skills. In such situations, we will be introduced to fresh concepts, breaking the rigid frame of our existing knowledge. This exposure acts as an great learning experience for people to wish to scale their performance. A pleasant experience with which anyone can grow and create a better tomorrow in the corporate area. With this new learning, we can extract those critical pieces of knowledge in the very first encounter. And in due course, this first encounter of learning advanced management skills will not only enables us but we can also share the knowledge among our peers.

Going forward, we may have to confront some unpleasant experiences as well. And during such unkind circumstances, we usually go through feelings such as frustrations, anger and intense mental pressure or stress. To deal with a tough situation and overcome it successfully, it is vital to endorse and over power unfortunate situations. By remaining positive, exercising self-control and finding strategic way outs, a painful situation can turn into a gain. But if we keep cursing our situations and stay where we are without finding a solution, we may not be able to gain the lesson from an experience. To stay aware during an important occurrence can help us gain more. This awareness can lead to exponential learning for future situations where we can help navigate others towards the correct path. We can realize the gains from a particular experience through evaluating the benefit and the improvements which can be earned for future and tackle similar conditions. There are numerous gains from an experience – skills are sharpened, lessons for future, character building and conceptual improvements.

Both good and bad experiences are worth treasuring as they open dimensions of growth and bring upon many new opportunities for us. Thus experiences must be utilized to build our character in a manner that we can broaden our vision of the outer world. Experiences are far more valuable than we can perceive them to be, they enhance our perceptions, expand the capacities, increase consumption as we move ahead. When we look back at what we have gained through an experience, we will able to relate and draw unprecedented value out of an experience, very much shareable with others.

End Note: Endorsing an experience can be voluntary, yet will remain an obligation. Now and again, tough experiences would be disguised in the form of challenges/hurdles laid on our paths, to help us attain those capabilities, which are designed for us.


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