Question 2- During an interview, when salary is discussed, is it advisable to answer “As per industry standards” in India?

Q 2: During an interview, when salary is discussed, is it advisable to answer “As per industry standards” in India?

A : Assume, you are sitting in front of HR manager, take the  initiative to attend this question and tell your real answers.

Few other ways to discuss this:

  • The package you are offering I think it’s common in the market but I’m ready to negotiate if company norms gives permission to do so.
  • If I look to myself, then salary is not important to me because I want to collect work experience and gain knowledge for my better future.
  • If I look at my family, then salary is very important to me because my family depend on me only, in earning direction.
  • I hope you know my last company’s CTC and once again I hope, you can get to me better salary percentage form others companies.
  • Thank you for asking me this question.
  • As your organisation is so reputed, I am very sure you will pay me as per my performance.

 Remember these points while discussing “salary” related questions, it can help you in getting your desired package, position and experience.

All the best..!!

Aditya Sisodiya

Career Coach|Mentor|Trainer

Career Hacks (Division of Kaizen Training Solutions Pvt Ltd.)