Question 8. In a job interview: Is it appropriate to ask for an employee handbook ?

Question 8. In a job interview: Is it appropriate to ask for an employee handbook ?

Answer:   Employee handbook is a crucial document of any organization.

You should not ask about it in your interview due to the following reasons-

1- It’s a scope document of any company, having internal informations which may or may not be available on any public link? Website )

2- Company share employee handbook with employees after signing documents of NDA( Non disclosure Agreement).

3- As an interviewee company officials may not like you asking for their important document if when they have not hired you.

If you have any question in mind then you can ask from company officials. 

All the best !

Surabhi Nigam Tula

Coach |Trainer | Mentor

Career Hacks ( Division of Kaizen Training Soutions Pvt. Ltd. )