
Relative happiness
Human beings are funny creatures. In times before the virus, not a single person was as content and happy with their life as they may claim today. No one thought life is perfect or full of happiness. No one was ever satisfied with what they had. Most people would Find trivial reasons to be unhappy and discontent each day about the pettiest of issues in their lives. Despite having so so much we were all constantly in a habit of cribbing about everyday things. The smallest issues would be escalated and we would make mountains out of molehills. We would ponder over minor points and always have a complaining nature towards life. We were never happy.
Most of us kept holding a nagging attitude about some issue or the other. I have met very few individuals who would not keep fussing and believe that life is wonderful. Very few who were actually happy with life. Today When The virus has made the condition of the world terrible most people remember those Earlier times and feel nostalgic, people recall those times as the best times, we remember the world of just three months back and find it so full of utmost happiness. We miss that world terribly and just wish to return to the same We have forgotten all our problems pre corona.
I think about how all of it is so relative and nothing absolute at all. Our problems as well as our happiness. The human mind works only on the comparison. In totality, it’s unable to find absolute happiness. We keep on comparing our life to others and to the past. In the current, we are all mostly not happy. Not with self, not with the conditions, not with our life, not with the world we live in, either we keep thinking the past was better or we keep on wishing the future to be. The present just passes in being unhappy, discontent, ungrateful, and dissatisfied.
Do not make Happiness and contentment a relative subject. It’s an absolute feeling independent of circumstances. It’s only a matter of perspective. The world continues to have its sets of challenges. It continues to have various problems to our disliking. It had previously since time immemorial, it has many current and there will always continue to come many more in the future. Only the face of those challenges change. What seems today a major pressing issue and a cause of our misery may tomorrow become a topic to laugh about. Accept that life comes with its share of numerous ups and downs, try to get the best out of circumstances at hand, make the best use of whatever resources available, try to squeeze in little joys each day despite all the troubles, seek happiness And You will be able to stay joyful in any and every circumstance. If you do not do so then nothing ever shall be able to please your heart. You will always continue to crib cry and be miserable.
Stay home. Stay safe. Stay put.
#Don’t Be A dumb pigeon
Dr. Riccha Sarin
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