True wealth


It’s storytime again. There was a rich lalaji. He had a safe at home full of money, jewels, precious stones, gold, lots of diamonds. He guarded the safe more than his life. He had a little son who would watch the Lala focus on guarding the safe more than anything. The Lala would pay heed to nothing or no one at the time when he was with his beloved safe. One night god payed Him a visit and told him in his dream to be careful as tomorrow night he would lose his greatest wealth. The only safe place is the basement of your house. The whole next day the Lala worked on transferring the safe to the basement.

In the meantime he ignored his blood pressure and sugar medicines. He skipped his meals and worried sick about his precious belongings. By evening he was exhausted yet he didn’t give up. He kept praying for his wealth to be safe. His son watched him. Night came and the Lala insisted on sleeping outside the basement door. He guarded it more than his life. When he woke up next morning he immediately tried to rush inside and check the safe. However he was unable to move even an inch. High blood pressure and low sugar combined with stress had lead him to have a stroke. He was completely paralysed. He wept like anything. His safe However was completely ok. That night god visited him again. The Lala begged to know why this happened. God said dear human being in your entire lifetime you run after material wealth. Your greed is insurmountable. You ignore the most precious thing which you possess which is your body and health be it Physical mental or emotional. Your children watch this greed of yours and learn the same. Your own priorities are messed up and you are setting wrong examples for your future generations as well. You wish to safeguard your material possessions but in turn ignore what you should have valued the most. You should have stayed protected inside the basement and not the safe full of money. This greed for material has resulted in this condition of yours. Do not blame me today. I had already warned you. You are to blame for your own plight. You chose what you wanted to save.

Today the virus is a health scare we are all worried about but even during normal times how much do we all really bother about our health or care for it? Aren’t we all running a rat race in a greedy attempt to achieve more and more and in turn completely ignoring our true wealth. There exists no bigger wealth than good health. There exist no more precious possessions than a sound body and mind of self and your loved ones. We often ignore the signs of physical strain as well as mental fatigue and just keep running undermining its true importance only up until it’s getting too late and damage already was done. Wake up now. If you can’t value or take care of Yourself and your family’s health no amount of money you amass will ever be able to help you.
Stay home stay safe stay put
#Don’t Be A dumb pigeon
Dr Riccha Sarin

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