Industry Insights

September 23, 2017
development of personality

The concept behind personality development

When we look at the fashion model on the cover page of a celebrated magazine, we usually find ourselves saying or thinking “wow, what a personality, […]
September 20, 2017

Make friends with criticism

At some or the other point in life, we all have faced sharp criticism and acted by vocalizing our response or have tried to maintain a […]
September 18, 2017

An equation to perfection

Perfection defines a state of (which could be) a person, a place or any situation to be flawless. Perfection is both tangible and intangible in nature, […]
September 15, 2017

Why strategic manpower planning must cover training needs

Business strategies of large organizations are devised to handle every aspect of the organization, be it operations, supply chain management, platforms or manpower planning. In regular […]
September 13, 2017
brain vs heart

Brain vs Heart

My son was watching Salman khan in sultan where he sweats it out in the gym to make a great body. My little one is very […]
September 11, 2017

The anti virus we all need

I and my little one are working on the iPad. I am telling him not to open any useless sites as a virus might corrupt the […]
September 8, 2017
continuity in learning

Learning Goes On

Did you know that information/data storage capability of human mind is 2.5 petabytes, which is about knowledge of 4.7 billion books? On the flip side, research […]
September 7, 2017
soft & behavioural skills, kaizen training solutions

Understanding Soft and Behavioural Skills

When we are growing up, from a kid to a teenager and eventually to an adult, our environment pushes a number of circumstances on us to […]
September 4, 2017

Expectations don’t hurt

We often hear that expectations hurt. Even after trying hard and counselling ourselves about not harbouring any, in some or the other way, we end up […]
September 1, 2017

Teamwork: Work & Accomplish Together

Teamwork is a combination of two words – team and work. A combined effort of more than one person to accomplish a common goal is regarded […]
August 30, 2017
River, key to success, journey, perseverance, persistence

The river and the key to Success

An eight year old little girl walks inside my room holding the hand of a middle aged man. Leading the way for him. He is her […]
August 25, 2017
overconfidence, kaizentrainingsolutions

The trap of overconfidence

We often find ourselves preaching our peers and juniors about how confidence can turn around the game in our favor. When we hit a blockade or […]
August 23, 2017

Mute is you parachute

The mute button on the television remote seems like just another small button without much use but actually it is one of the most important buttons […]
August 21, 2017
kaizen training solutions

Ushering Experiential Learning in India

Kaizen Training Solutions (KTS) was founded with the essence to implement experiential learning and continual improvement across the learning and development sector in India. Within a […]
August 18, 2017
balance, life, kaizentrainingsolutions

Cracking the balance code

Life is a potpourri of actions, emotions and expressions. Sometimes we are driven by our emotional side and many a times, our radical side rules over […]
August 16, 2017
woodcutting, kaizentrainingsolutions

The story of a woodcutter

Once upon a time, a very strong woodcutter asked for a job in a timber merchant and he got it. The pay was really good and […]
August 14, 2017
new born baby, kaizentrainingsolutions, inner beauty

A gift of love

“Can I see my baby?” the happy new mother asked. When the bundle was nestled in her arms and she moved the fold of cloth to […]
August 11, 2017
toilet, toilet ek prem katha

Toilet – Ek Learning Experience

Toilets have become a matter of discussion. Surprising it may sound to some of us, but even after 70 years of Independence, still a large number […]
August 10, 2017
change, goodchange, positive, kaizentrainingsolutions

Change is the only CONSTANT

“Nothing is permanent” is a familiar phrase that keeps flashing back and forth in our lives. From early on, life teaches us that everything in our […]
August 8, 2017
blind girl, valuelove, love

A blind girl

There was a blind girl who hated herself just because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. […]