My son comes home excited. “My teacher has said we have to improve our vocabulary and understand the meaning of new words. She has asked to buy a dictionary and read and learn new words.”
I and he are sitting with the pocket Oxford dictionary and reading words and their meanings. What the words define.
He asks me what’s the meaning of my name and his and several other family members and tries to look them up. Obviously he doesn’t find them in the dictionary. He seems irritated with the British society for not believing our names are as important to be printed in the dictionaries 😊. I smile and think,
Who defines us. What’s the meaning of our names. What’s the meaning of who we represent. Who are we really?
Why should we choose to act well in this world where almost everyday we encounter many bad situations scenarios people who drive us crazy. Why should we keep calm when chaos prevails everywhere. How do we evolve and become what we should actually become.
The good you do today is not a waste. People say do good ,be good ,good will come back to you. I don’t believe in a wait for that. Do good be good because that’s what’s going to define you as an individual.That’s what you should aspire to be. When you sleep at night if your conscience is clear and calm you can sleep peacefully. That’s what you can think about. I often get angry at stupid people for behaving irrationally. Then I seem to question my self repeatedly and scold myself for getting angry at stupid actions of others. How they act defines them ,who they are, what backgrounds they come from, what education they have received, what morals and ethics they have learnt, what upbringing their parents have been able to provide. What sense or nonsense prevails in their minds defines who they are. It totally needs to be ignored and forgiven. But to loose calm over morons will make us even bigger ones. It will cause no impact on the wall. You will just end up breaking your head. Be intelligent enough and thankful to god that he has provided you with the intelligence to realise when to speak and where to withdraw. Acting foolish does not really require much skill. But to restrain from acting and reacting to foolishness is totally the most important lesson that I am working on these days.
If you really wish to define yourself start today. It’s never too late to introspect and see your shortcomings and mistakes and start working on improving them or changing and evolving in trying to become a better individual. If you think you are blessed with an intelligent brain then the first step is using it to see what are the faults in you and start by correcting them. Do not let anger and stupidity define you. 
About author of the blog – Dr Riccha Sarin is a doctor working in the government sector. She writes on motivational blog and stories revolving around her every day interactions, patients and experiences, connecting their implications on life
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