Industry Insights

June 3, 2020
value of human life

All Lives Matter – Donald Trump or George Floyd !

While we are already sick of dealing with destruction due to COVID. In the latest news, The whole of the internet is flooded with protests in […]
June 2, 2020
Value of saving life

#CoronaChronicles:- Save Today for a Secure Tomorrow

As a generation who had got almost everything served on a silver platter, we and our coming generations haven’t seen much of a struggle for the […]
June 1, 2020
Facing challenges

#CoronaChronicles:- Face off the challenge

Since the time we take birth on earth we start facing challenges. Only the face of these challenges keeps on changing. For a small child who […]
May 31, 2020
value of human life

#CoronaChronicles:- Value of human life

It’s so ironical to a point of being ridiculous. Has man really ever valued human life so much as he is concerned now?.  Even a single […]
May 30, 2020
Soul sanitization

#CoronaChronicles The Need of the Hour- Soul Sanitization

One of the most saleable item in times of today is disinfectant and sanitizers. Almost so much that the demand is far exceeding the supply. Extreme […]
May 29, 2020
Online Training Session

How to Convert Instructor-LED Training to Virtual Classroom

“Just deliver the training online!” That’s easy for your boss (or your boss’s boss) to say. But successfully converting instructor-led training (ILT) to a virtual classroom […]
May 28, 2020

9 Ways To Give Effective Employee Feedback

Here are nine tips to help managers and leaders give employee feedback that’s frequent, effective, and will help you get you the outcome you need.
May 27, 2020
Kaizen Training Solutions

Build Trust, Cut Down On Surveillance—Even for Employees Working at Home

According to a recent article in The Wall Street Journal, at least one type of business is flourishing in our COVID-19-induced world of remote work: companies […]
May 26, 2020
Collect moment not things

#CoronaChronicles:- Collections!

All our lives human beings keep on collecting these material things which are valuable to them. They give us a sense of happiness and pride which is priceless.
May 22, 2020
sales training company in Delhi NCR

What Holds Us Back?

Are you the "take the leap" type of person or the "I'm not jumping out" type? Perhaps you're somewhere in the middle? Let's weigh the pros and cons of both types.
May 20, 2020
Sales training company in Delhi NCR

#CoronaChronicles:- Business Unbound-A vision and new strategies for the new world of work

Yesterday looks nothing like today. For some companies, the COVID-19 crisis has brought business to a grinding halt—but for others, it’s kicked things into hyperdrive. The […]
May 18, 2020

Corona Chronicles (Blog 15) :-

What good can I see? When times turn gloomy trying to see good around helps find comfort . Unfortunately it’s not a very easy thing to […]
May 16, 2020

Corona Chronicles (Blog 14) :-

What plant are you? Have you ever seen a mango or apple tree laden with fruits Or a Gulmohar tree full of flowers .The tree’s branches […]
May 15, 2020

Corona Chronicles (Blog 13) :-

Creation Na y conspiracy theories say the virus has been created intentionally to destroy mankind. I used to ask my son whose more intelligent? Osama bin […]
May 14, 2020

Corona Chronicles (Blog 12) :-

Choose when to open the window In the times of corona I have heard so many people complain that they are mentally very troubled because of […]
May 13, 2020

Corona Chronicles (Blog 11) :-

The donkey story Since childhood I made up a story and told my son. The story of the man and a donkey. A man would keep […]
May 11, 2020

Corona Chronicles (Blog 10) :-

Two things There’s a lady who works in my center. She makes tea for us. It’s one of the best teas I have had in all […]
May 8, 2020

Corona Chronicles (Blog 9) :-

Only one option Yesterday night was supposed to be a grand celebration with 200 guests it was to celebrate my mother in law turning 60 we […]
May 7, 2020

Corona Chronicles (Blog 8) :-

Memories I am thinking what’s the most beautiful thing in this time that we all can create.? Memories it is. Who says memories can’t be created. […]
May 6, 2020

Corona Chronicles (Post 7) :-

The enemies within We all know there exists a deadly enemy outside. We are working to find a solution to destroy it. There exists another enemy […]